Wednesday, February 01, 2006

End of month 1

Distance: 5.9 miles
Time: 46:15
Route: Portobello

Today I ran my long awaited 6 mile (according to my Garmin today, it is actually just a touch short of 6 miles) Portobello route at a hard pace. The last time I did this I ran 49:30. So a 3 minute gain over the period of 1 month is to be welcomed. I wouldn't describe it as a comfortable run however. I had to push hard in bits to maintain the pace and a lot of work is required if I want to keep reducing the time for this run.

This is probably as good a time as any to round up January. I managed 110 miles, which is a reasonable start considering I had to deal with a sinus infection and bronchitus.

That is me 1 month into this blog and one month into my training regime. The background is two years of injury - two fractures and shin splints. The goal is two marathons - Edinburgh in June and Loch Ness in October along with a number of 10ks and half marathons along the way. The initial goals are sub-50 for the 10k, sub 1:45 for the half, and sub 4 hours for the marathon.

For February I'm aiming essentially for a repeat of January, just with a bit more mileage. Almost all of the runs will be slow, as I attempt to build my aerobic profile and avoid injury. The only specific change will probably be to introduce a mid-week 'longer' run - somewhere in the region of 8 miles. First tests come in March, when I run a 10k and 2 half marathons.


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