Monday, January 30, 2006


Distance - 0 (rest day)

Today I feel like I should start my post off with an apology. I, like many other bloggers I expect, periodically check who has stumbled on to my blog and I note that a relatively large (and I mean relatively!) number of such people are google searchers seeking things like Edinburgh + marathon + training run + distance + running + with + cold etc. etc. My apology is really twofold. Firstly, these people aren't going to find much helpful information on this blog which is related to their searches. Secondly, even if they don't mind ending up in a blog mine is not particularly interesting. Its pretty brief and doesn't usually go much beyond recording my daily running activities. So my apologies on both fronts. This is simply a glorified diary which I use as a motivational tool to get myself fit. If fellow running bloggers are interested in charting my progress (as I do theirs in a number of cases) then so much the better.

My legs feel ok today. The strange sensation in my left leg is much reduced, although perceptible sometimes (it feels a bit 'fuzzy' and if anything nerve related). The only obvious difference I've felt today is probably being a bit hungrier than usual.

This past weekend seems to have been a popular competition weekend for fellow bloggers. Steve did an excellent 1:44 in the 3M Austin Half Marathon; Duncan ran an impressive, but for him disappointing, 2:45 marathon, and Mike ran a 34 minute 10k only a week or so after his 2:39 marathon.


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