Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday - recover run after Monday's 18 miler of 5.45 miles in 48:03 (8:49 pace).

Wednesday - 8 miles in 1:02:29 (7:48 pace)

1 - 7:47
2 - 7:42
3 - 7:46
4 - 8:02
5 - 7:55
6 - 7:51
7 - 8:00
8 - 7:17

This was a fairly hard run at half marathon pace with a strong wind behind on miles 1-3 and 8, and a strong wind against in the other miles - the last mile was a hard one to prove to myself that there was still a bit to spare. I tried to hit a pace for the first 7 miles which was reasonably fast, but also safely below the red line point at which the lactic would begin to build. There were definitely a few miles at 7:45 pace left in the tank, but another 5.1? I'm not too sure.

I'll decide what to do tomorrow depending on how my legs feel, but I'm due to do a 14 miler (probably at LSR pace) shortly.


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