Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I binned Tuesday's run because I was feeling unwell. I think I have a minor sinus infection again. When I get this it always seem to spread to my left ear for some reason.

I still wasn't feeling 100% today but went running anyway, and once I was out I felt great - in fact, that was the best I've felt during a run in a couple of weeks at least, and it probably qualifies as one of my most enjoyable runs of the year.

I ran 7 miles at a steady 8 min/mile pace and ran the last mile as a hard effort which ended up at about 7:19 (which wasn't as enjoyable as the first 7 but worth doing ). Even the splits were the most consistent I've produced in a while. Conditions in certain parts of the route were idyllic - gravel path, sea to one side + nature trail to the other, cool, overcast, slightly damp underfoot, calm and no-one else to be seen. After the crazy heat of the last few weeks this was bliss.

1 - 8:07
2 - 7:54
3 - 8:00
4 - 8:01
5 - 8:01
6 - 7:57
7 - 8:02
8 - 7:19

If I get my entry shorted out I am due to run the Glasgow half at the beginning of September.

When I ran the Edinburgh half at the end of March my time was 1:47 and comprised 11 miles at 8 min/mile pace before I blew up for the last couple. I'm aiming for about 1:40 in Glasgow which equates to 7:40 pace - I'm rationalising this as ambitous but not impossible. As a confidence booster to go out at this pace I'm planning to try a 13 mile training run at 8 min/mile pace in the middle of August - I figure if I can do that without too much difficulty it is evidence that I've progressed since March (which I am sure I have).


Blogger Thomas said...

They say that you can still run despite illness, as long as all the symptoms are above the neck.

1:40 in the half is ambitious, but not out of question. Put in a few tempo runs and Good Luck with the training.

9:32 am  

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