Sunday, July 09, 2006

10 miles

Distance: 10 miles
Time: 1:29:03

10 easy miles this morning, trying to do 9 minute miles (which is about 15 seconds a mile slower than my target marathon pace). It was a decent morning for running, but maybe just a little on the warm side for my liking. I started to feel a little tired in the last couple of miles, which I wasn't really expecting, and I think that is probably just a consequence of playing football on Friday.

My knee was fine for most of the run, but I did feel a few twinges along the way. Its difficult to explain - its not pain as such, but a feeling of a tendon being inflamed on the lower outside of my right knee. The sensation is not dissimilar to what I used to get when I played a lot of golf as a youngster. The righthand bone on my right wrist would swell up after hours hitting golfballs on the range. Anyway, so long as there's no serious pain I'll just carry on - icing, ibuprofen and getting off the concrete are my recipe to trying to keep it under control.

1 - 8:48
2 - 8:49
3 - 9:00
4 - 9:01
5 - 9:09
6 - 8:59
7 - 9:02
8 - 8:53
9 - 8:49
10 - 8:29 (a short threshold burst to finish off the run)

Summary for the week
Monday - 90 minutes 11-a-side football (I'll claim a mile)
Tuesday - 4.5 miles
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - 4.5 miles
Friday - 60 minutes 5-a-side football (I'll claim a mile)
Saturday - 7 miles
Sunday - 10 miles
Total - 28 miles


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