Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Its roasting in Edinburgh just now - the hottest we've had it in a while. Even though I'm doing my runs in the early morning , the heat is still a factor.

Tuesday's run was 7 easy miles - circa 9.15s
Today's run was 11 similar miles.

My standard pace (i.e. when the schedule doesn't call for anything special) has slowed quite noticeably over the last week or so since I did my fast 10k. I think there's a number of reasons for this. I have a tender left hip abductor (at least that's what I think it is as its not something I've really had before). (I think that in turn has been caused by my getting off the road and onto a trail route (which is great) which has a lot of uneven stones in paces.) Having a tight hip abductor is not conducive to wanting to go fast. Its also been crazy hot, and my mileage is getting back up to the max of what I've done before. Anyway, the decrease in pace isn't bothering me too much at the moment and I think its as well to just ride it out until I feel a bit fresher. I've a 4 mile threshold on Friday which ought to blow away the cobwebs anyway.

Knee report - its still there; it still twinges once or twice each run; but its not getting noticeable worse.


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