Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Still hot

Tuesday - 5.5 easy miles.

Wednesday - 10 mile total split into 5 miles steady + 6 x 0.5 miles threshold with 2 minute recovery, and 1 miles warmdown

1 - 8:07
2 - 7:58
3 - 8:09
4 - 8:11
5 - 7.42
6 - 7:58
7 - 8:00
8 - 8:02
9 - 8:37
10 - 9:xx

It is still terribly warm, but I hydrated properly this morning and managed a decent workout without feeling nearly as bad as I have during some leisurely long runs recently. 8 minute pace felt fairly comfortable considering I've been mostly plodding along at 9:xx for over a week now, but the 0.5 thresholds of 7.00-7.30 weren't quite so enjoyable - but I guess that's the way its meant to be.


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