Friday, February 10, 2006

Short rest

Yesterday was a lost blogging day after both my desktop and laptop died on me. Desktop appears to have been a minor boot issue and is now back up and running. The laptop appears to have a terminal problem however and I'm now at the mercy of Dell technical support as to what happens next.

Yesterday was also 5 a-side football. I felt a bit sluggish and had a few twinges in my left shin which I am sure were a direct consequence of my intervals session the day before. So I took it easy at the football and decided to take the day off today as well to be on the safe side. It is frustrating to have essentially 2 rest days in a row, but I hope the upside to that will be the non-recurrence of my shin-splints. A couple of days without running would be a small price to pay.

So that gives me 32 miles for the week, and the completion of week 7 of JD's marathon training regime. As set out below, next week calls for mid-30s mileage but with a shorter 'long run'. Hopefully the shin will behave tomorrow....


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