Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Into the wind

Distance: 6 miles
Time: 53 miles

6 miles in 53 minutes might appear, even for me, to be a relatively slow run. In a way it was, but it was also pretty tough. The reason - running over half of it into a gale force wind along the beach. Anyone who has run on a beach in the north east (i.e. Wick area) of Scotland will know what I mean. So it turned out to be harder than intended, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Tomorrow is quality session number 2 from week 7 of the Jack Daniel's marathon programme - sets of 4-min hard with 3-min recovery jogs to total 10k. I expect this will be tough going, but I can also appreciate that it will get my body used to running at a higher pace than I have been up until now.

I didn't need any reminder, but the Edinburgh Marathon organisers have distributed a reminder letter and their marathon magazine - June 11 doesn't seem very far away already....

On a sore note, I've returned to my flat after a few days at my parents to find that my PC won't boot. Luckily I have a laptop to use, but there's a stack of stuff on my PC I need to salvage and it is currently my only option for my Garmin etc.


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