Friday, February 03, 2006

Change of plan

Activity - 5-a-side football (90 minutes)

Mileage for the week

Thursday - rest
Friday - 6.2 miles
Saturday - 4.1 miles
Sunday - 14 miles
Monday - rest
Tuesday - 4.5 miles
Wednesday - 6 miles
Total - 34.8 miles

I had planned to continue with simply running slowly in February and not change very much from the routine I followed in January. That is still largely true, but, while reading Jack Daniel's Running Formula, I realised that there is an 18 week marathon plan which I could use (as of Saturday, it is 18 weeks until the Edinburgh Marathon, which is a scary thought). The plan has four phases, the first of which I've accomplished over the past 6 weeks or so, building a base mileage. Ideally I would have spent longer building this base, but I suspect the organisers are unlikely to change the marathon date to accomodate me. Phases two and three introduce two 'quality' sessions per week - one of these is the long run, and the other is variable but might, for example, include intervals or threshold pace running. So it is essentially what I had planned to do, but with one quicker session thrown in per week. The fourth phase, of course, involves the taper. The total mileage for the week is built around the two quality sessions, with the difference being made up by easy runs on the other days. At my current weekly rate of mid-30s, the peak point of the plan will put me in the mid-40s range which is about as far as I wanted to go at this stage anyway.

So, starting as of Saturday 4 Feb I go with the Jack Daniels plan. This week is the first of Phase II, and requires (based on my maximum mileage target) mid-30s, including one long run of 2 hours (quality session 1) and 6 miles of sets of 4-min hard with 3-min recovery jogs (quality session 2).

5-a-side football was a good workout this evening, and my legs feel more tired this evening than they have after any of the runs I have done over the past few weeks, including my 14-miler. I suppose that just reflects the fact that I have been running slowly and football introduces other stresses and strains on the body. The only slight niggle I have is a bit of pain in my left shin - having suffered badly with my shins in the past, I always over-react to these pains.


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