Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Distance: 6 miles
Time: 50 minutes
Route: Portobello

It was pretty cold tonight, somewhere around freezing when I did my run, and with a fairly strong breeze into the bargain. The forecast is for more of the same with and I know its snowing up north already.

The run was pretty uneventful apart from something flagging me down as I was heading home to ask directions! I just can't understand why people stop joggers to do that? Anyway, I knew where the young lady wanted to get to and I managed to give her directions once we had both extracted our earphones and could hear each other.

My time of 50 minutes this evening for an easy/comfortable paced run is only seconds slower than when I did this route at a hard pace at the turn of the year - I'd like to think that represents some concrete observable progress as a result of nearly two months solid running.


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