Sunday, February 12, 2006

10 miles

Distance: 10 miles
Time: 1:22:15

The JD training schedule today called for quality session 1 of week 8; a three part run - easy, threshold , easy - with indicative times which added up roughly to just short of 10 miles at my pace (about 9.8 miles based on the last time I ran the route). Basically 3 miles easy, 4 miles threshold, and 3 miles easy. I ran the same route about a month and was about 4 minutes quicker today.

My left shin was a little painful when I started off, but this soon eased off once I was warmed up. I took some ibuprofen after the run and haven't felt any twinges since, but I will be interested to see how it is on tomorrow's run. Shin splints and stress fractures are the only two running injuries I fear - partly because I don't seem to get any other injuries, but mainly because either of them can put me out for the long-term.

The run itself was fine - the threshold section was difficult for me to judge, but my garmin records the 4 mile section having been done at essentially bang on 8 minute miles. I could have pushed a lot harder but didn't want to do one mile very quickly and end up doing the other three much more slowly. Its all a learning curve at the moment and I'll be better equipped once I have to do another of these runs. Next time I'll probably aim to dip slightly below the 8 minutes.

Tomorrow is an easy miles day, and I'll probably do one of my usual 6 mile routes.


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