Sunday, February 19, 2006

14 miles

Distance : 14 miles
Time: 2:00:40

Today was quality session 1 of week 9 of the Jack Daniels marathon training programme, which involved a mixture of easy and threshold running. The 6x5 min thresholds were actually more like marathon pace because I was a bit concerned about blowing up and struggling home. The thresholds/marathon pace section was finished pretty much as I turned at the 7 mile point and I found that I was cruising back at a quicker pace than I normally do.

I ran this 14 mile route about three weeks ago and almost 8 minutes slower. While it is always nice to knock a chunk of time off a long run, what was most satisfying about today was that I felt infinitely stronger in the last couple of miles than the first time I ran it. Last time I felt tight and tired. Today I felt surprisingly fresh. Definitely a small confidence booster for the forthcoming races, but I'm not going to get carried away just because I have felt particularly good on one run. There have been plenty others where I have felt less than great.

Next week I plan to run 18 miles, dead easy. That would be a new longest distance for me, and would fit well into my schedule given that the following two weekends are due to be taken up with a 10k race and a half marathon race.

(Touch wood) The pain in my left shin, while not completely gone, is massively reduced. I've no idea why that should be as I haven't really rested it, but I'm not complaining.

Yesterday was a sort-of day of rest. I played football and managed to take a fairly hefty kick from a football-boot stud to my middle toe. I was actually concerned I might have done some serious damage but it looks like it is just heavy bruising and swelling. The location means that I can run without any discomfort.


Blogger [rich] said...

Just read through your blog :-) A good read, and nice to know that im not alone trudging around in the winter weather.

12:09 am  

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