Thursday, May 18, 2006

12 miles

Distance: 12 miles
Time: 1:40:00

Tonight's run was 12 miles, broken down into 3 miles easy, 6 miles of 5 minute threshold and 1 minute easy, and 3 miles easy to finish.

It wasn't a great run. First of all it was windy. It wasn't running into a headwind which caused me difficulties, so much as the fact that it was a gusty cross wind which made it difficult to get into a comforable stride. I was also a little stiff, which I put down to Sunday's 20 miler and the fact that my runs since then probably haven't been as easy as they should have been. Although I don't feel particularly tired this evening, I did during the threshold session of the run, and its the first time I've felt like that for a few weeks. Not necessary a bad thing (or surprising given the mileage I have been doing) but worth noting for the record nonetheless. My knee was also feeling a little funny again towards the end of the run. Not sore, just a sensation that something is not quite right on the outside of my right knee.

A run round Arthur A tomorrow will give me 51 miles for the week.

One more week like this week to go and then I've got the taper to the marathon to look forward to. My goal remains the same - break 4 hours. I think I'll try to set off as close to 9 minute miles (but erring just under rather than just over if possible) as I can, and just take things from there. My fear is of a marathon which goes something like: 14 miles of enjoying the scenery, occasion and ambience, followed by six miles of starting to feel tired and worrying about completing the distance, with the final 6 a death march on legs which are shot to pieces. That is basically what happened when I ran the Loch Ness marathon 3 years ago without doing any proper training for it (I did three runs over 10 miles, none of which were 14 miles or over). Not a clever thing to do, nor an experience I particularly want to repeat, and it shouldn't happen this time because of the training I have done - but the worry is there in the back of my mind. Serves me right.


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