Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Yesterday I was feeling pretty lousy (still coughing) so decided to do an easy session on the treadmill. After about 15 minutes I was doing a pretty good impression of a snowman in the middle of the sahara - sweating buckets for no apparent reason. I completed 5k and decided to have an early night - hence the lack of a post yesterday .

Today I decided to go to my doctor since I've been suffering with the cold for over a week, which is the longest I can ever remember having one. Turns out I have a viral infection in my sinuses and bronchitis, so needless to say there was no running today and there isn't likely to be for a few days. I have a course of penicillin to take and I can already feel various strange sensations in my chest, neck and sinuses - I'm assuming sort of WWF smackdown is taking place between my germs and the penicillin.

I'm trying to be philosophical and view this as a double-edged sword. Its frustrating that I can't do as much running as I want to, but at the same time it does ensure that I don't go mad and overtrain too early. And despite my illness I've managed to get over 20 miles done this week so all is not lost.

Fellow blogger Steve Bezner has just completed the Houston Marathon in a time of 4:01:23. I sure its a right royal pain in the ass for him that he just missed breaking 4 hours but its a pretty impressive performance in a first marathon for someone who only recently took up running. Being that close first time round suggests to me that next time he runs a marathon he'll spank 4 hours easily. Anyway, well done Steve.

CJ asked a couple of days ago how I felt my training was going (she's also preparing for a marathon). Overall, I think its OK. I don't feel very fast at the moment but equally I'm not feeling very tired when running and have already stretched my long-run to 12 miles. Swimming, running and football prior to my injuries has left me with a pretty good 'engine' even if it is attached to a slightly suspect frame. Key for me I think is to avoid the dreaded shin splints....


Blogger Steve Bezner said...

Thanks for the Kudos. Yes, it does chap a little that I didn't break 4:00, but I'll take it as my first attempt.

I'm scheduled to do another full, on the beach, February 11th.


3:02 pm  

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