Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ready, steady...

Recap for last week:

Saturday: football
Sunday: 18 miles
Monday 4.5 miles
Tuesday: rest (enforced by travel)
Wednesday: 6 miles
Thursday: 4.5 miles
Friday: rest
Total: 33 miles

The last 3 weeks have gone: 37; 37; and 33. So once tomorrow's race is out of the way I plan to raise the bar slightly to 40 mile weeks.

Today I played about 20 minutes of football and didn't feel great. Not sure why, but I just had a general lack of energy and a feeling of lactic build-up in my muscles. It was much milder today (even warm at times) and I wonder if the change in temperature was a factor.

Anyway, tomorrow is half-marathon day and I hope I'll be reporting back with something sub-1:45 (even if only by a few seconds).


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