Saturday, March 18, 2006


Activity - 11 a-side-football

10-0 was the size of our victory at football today. I played 45 minutes and, to be honest, didn't need to do that much running. Our opponents are bottom of the league, but even by their standards I think they had a bad day.

CJ made the point about the need for easy running to avoid injury and burn-out. I totally agree - yesterday was the first time in two and a half months that my legs felt sore after a run. I think that reflects the fact that I've been following a structured programme which combines easy runs with a couple of 'quality' sessions a week, and that I have been building up the mileage gradually. What I have noticed is that my 'easy' pace has steadily increased since 1 January - so I am running faster, but it is only comparatively so (i.e. other than the one quality session per week the running is all aerobic), and I would argue that the relative stresses and strains being put on my system now are no worse (and probably less) than they were when I was running the same route several minutes slower. I think the main causes of the soreness of my legs on Friday werethe close proximity of my 14 miler on the Monday to the intervals on the Thursday (ordinarily I would have had another easy day in between) and a slightly quicker pace than normal - but not hugely so - on my easy runs. Having said all of that, I think CJ's reminder that I need to ensure that I don't try to do too much too soon is extremely useful - I think it is probably important to take a long-term view of running development, and in that context easy runs are very important. So, thank you CJ for the input and I will be bearing it in mind!

With regards to tapering for the half, the answer is yes and no. I have work commitments which will of necessity cap my mileage next week, and I will be making sure that Thursday and Friday are very easy, with no exercise at all on the Saturday, but as this is only a race in the build up to June's marathon I do not plan a major decrease in mileage for the week overall.


Blogger CJ said...

Glad to be of help :-)

Regarding the half marathon, I think that's the tactic we used - a sort of mini-taper because like you, it wass part of the program leading up to the marathon.

And well done on the win!

11:17 am  

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