Tuesday, March 07, 2006

keep on going

Distance: 6.5
Time: 54:20

I ran my 6.5-ish mile tonight 3 minutes faster than I have done previously. I put in one short threshold spurt on a hill again but apart from that it was a comfortable pace. I had the curious sensation of having my legs feeling a little tired (a consequence of having no rest day after my Sunday long run I expect) but having a pretty comfortable cardio system.

My route takes my through the Meadows - essentially a grassy park in the middle/south of Edinburgh - which attracts a lot of runners on the tracks and pavements which combine to form a large loop around the grass area. There were all sorts of runners out tonight - single slow runners, single fast runners, large groups doing warm-ups and small groups doing sprints. Someone was clearly doing a threshold session tonight as they rattled past me and disappeared off into the distance pretty quickly - one of those reminders that I have a long way to progress with my own speed and stamina.


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