This is a blog recording my training toward running a marathon following two years of injury.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
OK, so way too much Laphroig last night = very slow and tiring run today. c. 8 miles (forgot to charge my Garmin...) and felt very, very tired in the last couple of miles. I'm assuming that was the drink rather than an indication of my fitness levels.
Tonight is Hogmanay at the Citrus club in Edinburgh. I can feel the hangover already. Still, at least tomorrow truly is a day of rest...
Post number 1 of this blog as I sit drinking some Laphroig.... Today was a 4.5 mile run following the road in front of Arthur's Seat and home via the Pleasance gym. Horrendous weather and very slippy running uphill. Pretty easy pace and a time of 40 mins. Positive that the Garman 201 seemed to work despite the overcast conditions.
That's now two weeks into a slow build up toward some marathon base training. The plan is for two solid months (January and February) of building the mileage and trying to avoid shin problems (only minor twinges at the moment). Nairn10k in March and Inverness or Edinburgh half marathon in the same month should provide some indication of how things have progressed. Until then, its grind the miles I'm afraid and give some thought to target times for the year....